Friday, 3 June 2011

Sticky Note 12: Toy Museum Riehen

Ironically, I love the colour yellow. I especially love yellow when it is used in a creative exhibition design for children!
The innovative team at ZMIK Spacial Design have designed an original space based on an old family favourite... boardgames.

An explanation of the project straight from the designers mouth:

Exactly 100 years ago the German edition of the board game “Malediction” was put on the market. Like its Swiss edition “Eile mit Weile”, it is still one of the most well-known board games in our hemisphere. The exhibition “Eile mit Weile. 100 years of parlour games” shows what games have been published since, what topics they revolved around, and how they were created.

Visitors move around the exhibition from field to field, like in a board game. Original pieces are presented on the walls, grouped together by theme, and the game stations in the centre of the space evoke different spatial and social game environments. Playing actively is the focus here.
Images: Eik Frenzel

A big thank you to ZMIK Spacial Design for allowing me to blog about Toy Museum Riehen. 
Check out their website and other projects:

The warmth of the timber flooring against the bold brightness of the yellow rug and furniture is beautifully contrasted, such an inviting space.

I love how the space is so simple and clean yet approachable and fun...genius!

And the kids love it too!

A little bit about ZMIK Spacial Design:

ZMIK is a spacial design studio with a focus on creating identity,
individuality and communication in space. ZMIK exists to create
unique, bold and accurate spacial environments.

ZMIK operates at the fringes of various disciplines, such as
interior design, scenography, architecture, object design and
installation, blending these to achieve integrated solutions
to complex questions.

Please leave comments as I always enjoy hearing from you!

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